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14th OVI 3rd Arkansas

Reenacting Group

The 14th OVI/3rd Arkansas is a non-profit corporation dedicated to remembering the Civil War through Living History and preservation. Our unit is based in the northwest Ohio and the southeast Michigan area. If you have questions or wish to get more information on joining our family oriented group. Please feel free to give us a shout via email.

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Our Preservation Efforts

Johnson’s Island Prison Clean Up | April 6th

Our clean up day this year is April 9th. At this event the Friends and Descendants of Johnson’s Island and Volunteers of American Battlefield Trust will be helping to maintain the grounds and property of Johnson Island. 14th OVI 3rd Arkansas is an active member of American Battlefield Trust*

McKinely Dress Restoration Project | COMPLETED

14th OVI / #rd ARkansas has completed this restoraion project and funded the money to compeletly restore two of Ida's ball gowns for First Lady Ida McKinely dresses.